Do not return the same way

There is a phrase that is common with regards to finding ways and that is that there is more than one way to skin a cat. Now, it is an inhumane to actually skin a cat, but this phrase refers to no matter how difficult a task is there is more than one way to actually completing it. Some ways might not be the best way or might even be the incorrect way for accomplishing a task, but people always try them anyways. In fact, there those today in age that thrive in finding alternative ways to things. Unfortunately for them, some things only have one way. For example, in the Old Testament there was prophet whom the Lord gave instructions not to go back in the way that we came, and when he did a lion came and killed him (1Kg13:9-10). Some ways seem the correct way to go, but their end is not so great (pr14:12). Just because a way seems right; it has all the characteristics of a good way, does not mean that it is the way. Take for instance all the religions in the world, each one proclaims that they have the correct path to eternity, but do they? There are about 4,000 different religions in the world, with 5 majors; Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity, Islaam and Sikhism (God is without form, One God, everyone has access). In Christianity we believe exactly what Jesus said, that he is the way, the truth and the life and that no one comes to the Father except through him (Jh14:6).   

1 Corinthians 12:31

31 Now eagerly desire the greater gifts. And yet I will show you the most excellent way.

The Apostle Paul points out a most excellent way, not a new one but something that Jesus mentioned and taught his disciples. It was actually a commandment that Jesus gave to his disciples, to love one another (Jh13:34-35). And Paul begins to outline the characteristics about love in chapter 13 in the epistle to the church of Corinthians (v4-7) as mirror to the more excellent way. He says that love suffers long; makrothymei, meaning it can endure evil, injury and provocations without reacting in revenge. And the question is, is this the way that society or even we behave. The next thing Paul says is that in this most excellent way of love it is kind, and the Greek phrase is chresteuetai. Kindness deals with being bountiful, benign, courteous. In treating those around us especially that are not so nice people how kind are we. 

In this most excellent way of love Paul tells us what it does not do for example, it does not envy. He says that someone who loves does not grieve at what other people have or at the quality of items. Love does not vaunt or puff itself up to the point of despising others. It does not behave unseemly; ouk aschemonei, love does not do things out of place in reverence and respect to others. Paul says that love is not selfish it does not seek its own. Love does not seek its own praise, honor, or pleasure. Love is not easily provoked, it is temperate, Ou paroxynetai. And finally, love does not think evil. This excellent way is filled with detailed challenges that the man of God should have or grow into. It is on the very top of the list on what the man of God should possess (1Co13:13). 










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