Leaving the things which pertain to the kingdom of God as secondary or for the last minute is a condition of which the church of God today is becoming accustom. We are aware that our inner man needs enriching. We understand that day after day we need satisfaction of life; family, friends, and work, and that there are things that we need to do to achieve such. Some things in life can wait, but not too long and there those things that cannot wait. That if we wait a little too long they; those things we procrastinate on, can have some detrimental effects on our lives. Take for instance the sloth; the slowest animal, and by nature he is a procrastinator unlike humans. We are not meant to be procrastinators. The bible tells us the a slothful person is related to a waster (prov. 18:9).  Doing things, especially those things that are not of interest becomes a drag and a pain in the neck, and a slothful person will have troubles making hast (Prov. 19:24, 26:15). A slothful person acquires penalties in life of which some one cannot recuperate (Prov. 10:4).

Matthew 25: 6-8

And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet him. Then all those virgins arose, and trimmed their lamps. And the foolish said unto the wise, Give us of your oil; for our lamps are gone out. But the wise answered, saying, Not so; lest there be not enough for us and you: but go ye rather to them that sell, and buy for yourselves.

Jesus spoke of these ten virgin whose characteristics were equally divided between the diligent and the slothful. The rewards for the diligent are secure. Prosperity comes to one who is diligent. God’s favor is with those who press to faithfulness and he calls them “good and faithful servants” (Mt.25:21). But, what makes a last minute Christian? The five slothful virgins were not all that willing to building on their oil reservoirs. Building your oil reservoir takes some work and effort. For example, one has to practice exercising their faith in God when life unwanted moments come. Also, one has to engage in prayer, fasting and reading of the word when tired or discouraged. Now, it is easier to sloth it out then to build your oil reservoir. Risking that your light turns off has become a way of today’s Christianity. Many do not understand the effects of walking in this dark world with ones light off. In the parable of the five, two and one talents the person with the one became an unprofitable servant, because of his slothfulness (Mt. 25:24-25). God calls us to be fervent in spirit (Ro. 12:11).

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